
"very often we travel the world over in search of what we need and return home to find it." - george moore

a few random musings on my last couple weeks at work.

i think there are times when songs follow you. for me it's been 'fields of gold' by sting for some completely unknown reason. it started when i was re-watching aaron sorkin's not so successful show studio 60. the premise is that it's a show about a late night sketch comedy show (think saturday night live). one night the musical guest is sting playing his lute and the executive producer asks him to sing fields of gold. now i like the original version, but with a lute? so much better.

i heard the song again - another cover - when i was taking the train to the airport for grandma's funeral. listening to stuart maclean broadcast a show from 'the canadian' train, the one that goes across canada. it was a lovely acoustic version covered by someone whose name i can't remember.

lastly, i heard it just a few days ago walking from the walker art gallery to the station on my way home. there are several grotty karaoke pubs in liverpool and at this particular one someone happened to be belting out fields of gold. i listened to it that night doing housework to get a lovely voice singing it back into my head.

i've been trying to put together a mix before i leave liverpool, but it's really hard. i'm obsessive about each song leading into the next and that's hard to do when you're not just trying to get a good series of songs together, but to try and weave a story too. i'm sure i'll get there, but it needs a few more takes.

it feels weird that i only have two days left at work. in fact i think it only just dawned on my yesterday. i've started saying goodbye to people and that feels strange. i wonder who i'll keep in touch with and who will just become a memory for me. i wonder if i'll miss schlepping to the train station with bags of stuff to take into work in the rain trying not to let my hair get wet and frizzy. i wonder if i'll ever really appreciate how fortunate i've been to have the opportunities i've had here and if i'll be able to convey that properly to my own little community here.

i found a card when i was cleaning out my desk yesterday. it was left on my desk when i first started at the lady lever art gallery and just welcomed me and wished me well. i remember being really touched by it, but that's just how this place is. everyone helps everyone. it's been my own little family away from home and i'm going to miss them.

i'll be weepy about leaving my friends too when the time comes, but that's not for a couple weeks yet. a word of warning though - i'm not going to keep the blog up when i move back to canada. i thought it would be nice just to have it of a record of my four years here.

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