
ready for a break

i know christmas wasn't that long ago, but it seems like everything has been moving slightly slower than normal in the last two months. it's not that i haven't been busy. there has only been one weekend that i haven't been working or at school.

i think i'm pretty much recovered from the sinus cold now. i ended up taking thursday off as well and leaving a little early on friday. school was really, really good this weekend. i never really thought i would *enjoy* it so much and i probably won't be saying that when i have to write my dissertation.

so four more days of work - running a workshop saturday - and then i'm off to coventry for a week. i'm feeling quite guiltly for not having been down there since november, but i'll make up for it by painting the living room and getting davoud's house ready for viewings.


Anonymous said...

Davoud is selling his house? Flat? Whatever you guys call it.


lauren said...

yes, davoud is selling his house. don't worry, a house is a house is a house in the uk.

i told you we were moving back to canada in 2009 and this is step 1!