
only one sunny day

the clouds are bringing me down.

but it was actually *sunny* on sunday. blue skies and piercing light kind of sunny. thankfully we had already planned a trip to wales with val and paul in frank the van. we didn't do much other than have lunch in the pub, a few drinks in the pub next door, and then a mini walk up to the little waterfall. you can check out some of davoud's photos by clicking http://www.flickr.com/photos/sony_boy/sets/72157594483793680/detail/ here (sorry, tried to do the hyperlink, but everytime i did blogger decided to delete the rest of the post).

on monday afternoon, we skipped out of work early to go the manchester for lunch, the ferris wheel, a few bevvies, and the joanna newsom gig. *amazing* acoustics in bridgewater hall and i now want to learn how to play the harp.

i need more sun. the clouds are bringing me down! i miss crisp snow, bright blue skies and sun so bright that it blinds you with its reflections of the white stuff. not to mention the bitter cold of montreal. i miss my scarf freezing to my lips as it's become moist with my breath and then crystalised with little ice particles. i miss putting my mittens on the radiator to warm up for the next trip out of the house.


Anonymous said...

For a girl with a harp Joanna Newsom rocked. The gig was breathtaking and I will robustly deny any suggestion that I slept through any part of the gig; I was closing my eyes to get the full measure of the experience through my ears :)

Bridgewater Hall is an excellent venue, the sound is crisp and the seats are comfortable. I would love to see more music there.

And I'd like to thank Val, Paul and Frank for a lovely day out in Wales on Sunday. Much fun and photos were had.

j9 said...

hey we got sun here in MTL but no heat. it's minus 26. KA-RA-ZEE. THere's big globs of ice on the inside of our windows here in the Faubourg

Anonymous said...

It is blue skies here and 25 so only a difference of 51 degrees between Perth and J9's location.
It was 38 on sunday, that is too hot.

lauren said...

that is *way* too hot. i do miss the cold. but hopefully the heavy winds int he uk will satisfy my need for some extreme weather.


Unknown said...

Worry not - snow will be here in the next 3 weeks :)

I look forward to the whole UK stopping as the first few flakes fall. Wow, that was alliteration heavy...