
moving day

well, i have to pack up the last of my stuff this morning before running a vast amount of errands, and finally picking up the keys at 1 pm!

i have to say i'm very excited about the new flat, but will miss having someone around to randomly chat to. the amount i talk to myself is definitely going to increase. sam's the best housemate i ever had...no offence to any previous live ins. coming home and being to do whatever i want after work whether it be paint, pick up the guitar or just sit in the quiet and stare up at the ceiling is going to be a luxury though.

it feels like i've accumulated a lot of stuff in the past year and a half, but it's not really that bad. it will definitely fit in one frank vanload. i think val and i will move all of my stuff over tonight, sleep at her place after kraft dinner and watching dirty dancing, then head to ikea first thing in the morning to meet davoud.

then the really fun begins: ikea instructions.



Anonymous said...

IKEA instructions are so much fun. Good luck with that. We sent your Christmas card (late, of course, since your dear bro thinks it will get there on time, and I said No, it won't). So you cannot blame me. Inside is a pic, which you will get a bigger one in the new year, when we properly send your Canadian package!


lauren said...

no worries...i've come to expect these things from my hoser brother ;)