
i miss snow

i was having an afternoon cup of tea with sandra, one of my colleagues at the gallery, as a bit of a break before working late tonight and realised the one thing missing that really gets me in the christmas spirit: snow.

thankfully j9 posted a couple of winter montreal pics on her blog to help me out...st. catherine st at its best ;)

i think living in montreal for 5 years conditioned me to associate christmas with first snows, new scarves, being wrapped up whilst christmas shopping, and lots of festive parties. that and the decorations. the brits haven't quite got on the bandwagon of lots of christmas lights on houses, in the streets and random trees outdoors. don't get me wrong, they do take the christmas *lights on* business very seriously, but it's not quite the same.

there's something about snow falling onto white fairy lights and that soft glow that just *means* christmas.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Christmas! It is 35 today and Lisa and I are off to the beach! It has never felt so unlike Christmas!