
this actually *offended* me


so i successfully completed all of my christmas shopping yesterday on my one day off this weekend - trying to make up some time and stock up on some flexi so i can take at least a day more at christmas - and actually found myself getting really angry in john lewis'. but not at the amount of shoppers, the cost of wool, or anything that you could normally expect in any christmas shopping experience.

whilst wandering around the seasonal goods section i saw a gift pack entitled "the american breakfast pack," which was clearly identified by a large image of the stars and stripes. yet inside this *american* breakfast pack (not north american) there was a nice bottle of PURE CANADIAN MAPLE SYRUP!!!

i'm still pretty irrate about it and am quite tempted to write a letter to the wonderful people at john lewis and explain to them that in fact canada is not a state and actually has stronger ties to this fair land than to their neighbors to the south. wankers.


on a positive note, i found a one-bed flat last week that i'm going to rent out. it's brand new, never been lived in, and since i've given up the dream of buying my own place - temporarily - it's perfect. ooo...and it has a washer/dryer. will wonders never cease? i can see green stuff from the window and it's a short stroll from sefton park. i should be settled in time for christmas.


j9 said...

i think it's like some people think that Scots are English too. people are made of stupid, is all.

Your flat sounds ab fab dear. I love the never-been-lived-in concept. and the washer-dryer concept.

Anonymous said...

Do you think the good people of Greenland will also be up in arms about the blatant imperialism demonstrated by John Lewis'?

Anonymous said...

In defence of John Lewis a typical breakfast (or indeed any meal) in the United states would usually include products imported from other lands it can still be called an US Breakfast. Remember north Americans have relatively short histories and have stole most of the good things they have from other lands ;-).

On that note a joke,

What is the difference between Australia and a yogurt?

If you leave a yogurt long enough it develops its own culture.

lauren said...

hmm. right *stole* things from other lands. shouldn't that be had things *imposed* on them from other lands in the case of great Britannia, which i think what anonymous (aka sofian) is referring to?

your joke got a wee chuckle from me.

i'm goin compose something on this whol new world vs old world issue and post it later...an issue of contstant discussion and intrigue.

Anonymous said...

Old vs. New world
Something funny happened to me when I was in a bar with some work colleagues. I offered to get a round in (unusual I know) and one of the girls asked for a glass of champagne which I found surprising. When I got to the bar I found I had a choice of champagnes both French and Australian!
It is quite funny here is Oz they call all sparkling wine champagne. I don't mean one person, everyone! It is funny because the French ensured no one else could call there wine champagne as champagne is named after the region but it just goes to show you don't have to write champagne on the bottle to get it know as champagne.

lauren said...

i was wondering when one of my champagne (pronounced camp-agg-neee) loving friends was going to pipe in on that one!


Anonymous said...

I have no opinion on which is better just that they are two different things. Do canadians call sparkling wine champagne too!