
now wasn't that fun?

i hope you all enjoyed that little guessing game. sorry, i just had to be cheeky.

it's been a really weird morning. the hail was so heavy that because i was standing underneath the skylight in the kitchen i couldn't hear a word of what sam was saying to me from the front door. a woman was hit by a car while i was waiting for the bus - don't worry, she's okay - and i got caught in a sunshower.

that's three weird things, so i'm going to assume that there won't be anything else going askew today.

i bought a plant for my office yesterday. a cyclamen identical to the one we got for my grandma when i was home. with any luck it will survive for at least a month. i'm really no good with indoor plants.


Anonymous said...

This may help you keep your cyclamen alive.

Anonymous said...

Ok, so...it was a person. As long as this is no joke....remember when I asked you which one Davoud was, and I asked you if he was the cute one? I think he has the baby face, that's oooh so adorable. So, is this him? If not....sorry, Davoud! I'm just the crazy sister in law.....what do I know!

The Crazy SIL

lauren said...

right. now as i remember we had a conversation about this and the question was: glasses or no glasses?

have a look at the thanksgiving weekend photies post. if it's the guy at the top, well, that's chris. i'd do links to the pages, but i don't know how!

Anonymous said...

I did go back, and yes, it's who I thought it was. Glasses. All I have to say is......you go, girl!


Anonymous said...

Baby face and adorable, truly must be thinking about someone else!

Anonymous said...

Not if I'm reading right and looking at the pictures correctly. However, I could be wrong; pregnancy does weird and wacky things!! Anyhow, you look nice and Lauren is happy.......that's all we're concerned about.