
this makes me *angry*

i just watched a news report on bbc news.

apparently john reid, home secretary for those of you who don't know, has decided to advice muslim parents to watch out for possible extremist behaviour in their children and advise police if they suspect it. oh my god. are you a complete idiot? some of the apparent *tell-tale* signs of this possible behaviour are young people simply being adolescents! idiot!

and what about warning christian parents that their children may rebel against their religion and lifestyle, turn to the devil, extremist goth culture, and walk into a school with loaded weapons? hyprocrisy at its finest.

i think this just goes to show that terrorism really has such a broad definition and can be applied in many situations. maybe we should just be telling parents to raise their children to be good people.

bah. time for bed.


Anonymous said...

One mans terrorist is another mans freedom fighter.

I challenge any Western politician to spend a week living a normal life in the West Bank, Gaza, Iraq or downtown Lebanon.

Then come back and tell me that the Muslim world is full or terrorists and extremists who have no reason to kill us other than "they hate our freedom".

I'd like them to tell me it's ok to put a bullet in the forehead of a 10 year old boy because he threw a rock at a tank.

I'd like them to tell me it's ok for a AGM-114N Hellfire II missile to take out an entire apartment block in the middle of the night because they suspect that there is a "terrorist" sleeping in the building. A "terrorist" who was never afford due process under the law.

I'd like them to tell me it's ok to deny basic medical care to hundreds of thousands of people because someone has the power to arbitraily control a check point.

I'd like them to tell me it's ok to bomb civilian infrastructure carte blanche crippling an entire nations economy and seriously damaging the environment.

We wouldn't accept these things, why should they?

They don't have tanks and aerial drones or air forces to fight these gross injustices so they have to use what they do have: common purpose.

Why does Britain and the US think it has some kind of moral high-ground on issues of terrorism? Why do they think they have no responsibility for these gross-violation of human rights and basic dignities.

It's always easier to blame someone else than take responsibility.

What the world needs is real leadership not a display of who's got the bigger gun and the balls to use it or moral lecturing from John Reid.

Yes, talk about the problem but let's not just blame one side shall we, it's never that black and white.

lauren said...

and in the words of ani difranco:

there's 100 shades of white and 100 shades of black, but the same rules always apply...smile pretty and watch your back.

Anonymous said...

One of the men who heckled John Reid gave an interview to the Today programme this morning - http://www.bbc.co.uk/radio4/today/ - well worth a listen.