
international talk like a pirate day

ahoy, me mateys. this be international talk like a pirate day...y'aaarrr! now to get all ye wee sprogs and lasses trained for a life on the high seas i be pointin me heartys in the direction of thar website for all things pirate... www.yarr.org.uk

aye, now all ye land lubbers be ready to claim yer booty! i be celebratin with me pirate monkey.

What's a pirate's favorite pickup line?
AAAAArrrrrr ya free Saturday night?


today is also the remarkable day on which my grandparents - grandma & grandad *and* grandpa & grandma - celebrate their wedding anniversaries. they were married on the same day, three (? i think) years apart. the first couple in moreton, wirral, england and the second in niagra-on-the-lake, ontario, canada. hard to fathom that they've been married for 60+ years.

now *that's* something to celebrate. y'arrrr.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Pirate walks into a bar, and the bartender says, "Hey, did you know there's a steering wheel sticking out of your pants?"

Pirate says, "Yarrr, it's driving me nuts!"

Y'arr, I'll get me coat...