
the job report

i'm going to try to explain this as clearly as possible, but let me know if it doesn't make sense.

national museums liverpool (nml)
heritage lottery funding (hlf)
museum of liverpool (mol)

so nml is currently undergoing this huge period of growth in terms of capital projects, the largest being the new mol, which is slated to be built on the pier head in liverpool. nml was expecting funding from hlf in the tune of 11.5 million pounds, but it was announced this week that we didn't get it. it was a big shock to everyone.

read these for some background:
echo story #1
echo story #2
bbc where i live coverage

this is having an effect on staff because many of the people working on that special project that is mol are seconded from other positions and many posts are being backfilled. the director is not going to let this project fail and angus (one of my colleagues) said earlier in the week the first thing to go will be jobs.

i recently applied for an admin post in my office, which is permanent, because my contract is up at the end of march. but now the post isn't being interviewed for anymore because they are putting loads of posts on hold. this also means that the likelihood of my contract being renewed is about nil.

so i have to get really serious about the job application thing again. jen (my line manager) says she'll do everything in her power to keep me around, but you never know with these things.

it's been a bit stressful and intense around the museum this past week because of all this and the positive energy that used to flow through that place has kind of plummetted...its weird.

at least i've got a couple months to get my act together! anyway, just wanted to give the full story only once cause its too long.

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