
so much for sleeping in.

that will have to start tomorrow, but i have been enjoying the last few days of unemployment.

yesterday i woke up nice and early and got myself to the library for 9 am. i thought an afternoon movie would be in the cards, so i took the bus to FACT (this new media arts centre...think excentris in mtl) and saw crash. very good, i highly reccomend it. it was even playing in the box (picture a room with rows of ikea-type sofas with a *really* big movie screen) so it called for a coffee, shoes off and a bit of a stretch. i even treated myself to mid-afternoon lunch at tabac afterwards.

today it's off to manc to revitalise the office wardrobe (dolly will attest to the fact that it was a bit scattered towards the end) so i can dress for success...or to impress...for my first week of work.

i was considering going to florence this week, but i decided that i'd save my pennies and just book it for a later date when i can do the round trip for £30 instead of £90.

who love's ryan air??? i do.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi honey!

Congrats about the job, Terran and I are very proud of you! Of course, it is no surprise as you are a fabulous success at everything you put yourself to. Love reading about your adventures...miss you xoxo