
words to live by

...for at least the next week anyway. admittedly, i've been getting a bit worked up about getting things done before i fly home for christmas, about my boarded up window not being fixed and the general craziness that ensues at work before taking time off.

last night my friend jessica quite rightly said, whatever doesn't get done before you leave is simply going to disappear as soon as the plane takes off.

so that's the principle i'm going by now. it would be great to have the house spotless, but hey, it's not as if anyone is going to be there. it would be great to have all of the loose ends at work tied up, but nobody is going to be working over the holidays anyway. and all the baking for the weekend will get done.

a couple things have continually brought smiles and excitement:
- the vinyl cafe in podcast format meaning that i can listen to stuart mclean anytime of day or night
- humming the song "driving home for christmas" repeatedly
- watching national lampoons christmas vacation on sunday and thinking, wow...that's what this year is going to be like!
- the thought of meeting my niece amy for the first time
- snow for christmas

...although i just checked the 14 day trend on the weather network and apparently it's going to rain christmas day. drat. but it won't matter, cause i'll be at home.


Anonymous said...

Amy is looking forward to meeting her Aut Loo Loo as well! And Brian had continually asked when U Voodoo will be here!
Too cute.


Anonymous said...

Only 6 more sleeps now!

Anonymous said...

6 more sleeps until you come home to Canada, and 12 more sleeps until the big guy arrives! You wouldn't believe how wound these children are. Literally.....I have feet marks on the walls from all the bouncing.


Anonymous said...

Homer Simpson is coming to Canada?!