
even i have my limits

i'm usually a great advocate for public transport, support hikes in taxes for owning gas guzzling cars, and generally quite *green* when it comes to getting from point a to point b. but there are times when the commuter transport just doesn't do what it's supposed to.

i left work at 4:15 pm yesterday in order to get to a mobile phone shop so i could replace my charger that mysteriously died when davoud plugged his possessed phone into it on sunday. i had great intentions of catching the train at 4:25 pm, but this train was cancelled for no apparent reason and the next one wasn't for 20 minutes...then 23 minutes...then 18 minutes. needless to say i was a bit paranoid about not getting to the shop on time - which i did - as i wasn't going to be able to leave work early any other night this week and that would mean no mobile phone. we can see how attached i've become to the darn thing.

so fine, got my charger and made my way to the bus stop to make the last leg of my journey. i love the bus route to my house. it goes through the georgian quarter, past all of the old merchant houses on princes park road and croxteth drive, but some of the people who board this bus have no apparent respect for their fellow passengers.

this poor woman with a buggy was trying to get on the bus and *no one* was letting her get on! i was getting to the point where i was about to ask everyone where their unique british sense of the queuing system was, but she finally made it on.

another woman with a pram gets on after i've sat near the back and does this one able-bodied lady move so that the mother can sit down next to the pram? no, she just stays there desperately looking away.

last i checked, there were signs up without words...only pictures folks...so that people understood who got priority: the elderly, physically disabled, mothers and pregnant women. definitely one of my pet peeves.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Public Transport is not the answer. Motorbikes are a much better solution with nealy all the benefits ;-)