
today's the day the teddy bears have their piiiiicnic

leasowe lighthouse in the background through some very detailed grass. looks like a pre-raphaelite painting!
the beverages. i'm sure davoud will have pictures of the food...
val looking happy in the sunshine wearing a t-shirt that appropriately matches frank
davoud setting up some pictures on the sea bed. that's one big buoy! i won't tell you the story about cleaning his feet. lesson 1 in going to the beach: bring sandals.


Anonymous said...

No, lesson one is to make sure you bring wet wipes and an understanding girlfriend ;)

Anonymous said...

Wet wipes is easy enough but the second is a myth surely?

Anonymous said...

I'm glad to say it's no myth :)

Anonymous said...



lauren said...



Anonymous said...

I assume to get the understanding girlfriend you have had to make compromises on things like sense of humour and intellect ;-)

Anonymous said...

I have to say that having an understanding girlfriend means she has to make compromises about *my* sense of humour and intellect...