
all tomorrows parties photies

me drinking my becks through my new "bob the builder" straw...i could hear my nephew brian's little voice going "bob! bob!"
you can just see nick flying around on the paratrooper...my favourite was the sky master. lots of spinning upside down.
chris in one of his surf shirts and his ghost pajama pants looking quite hungover
davoud walking up the beach in minehead
my shoe in the back of the audi tt


Anonymous said...

That shirt and pants combination are still giving me headaches...

Anonymous said...

Yes, he did say "Bob, Bob" when he saw your pic....right before saying "loo-loo....a loo-loo".

So, we have some updated news..2cm dialated and 25% effaced! Any time now!


lauren said...

yeah! so exciting. i'll be in coventry this weekend, but mum knows how to reach me there.

i'm so excited!!!