
no house for you

i thought it was about time that i updated everyone on the house purchase situation. 'cause that's what it feels like...a situation.

i got the survey back on friday, which was not all good news. i know it is supposed to look for all the bad aspects of a property, but when they want a structural enginner to inspect the house for movement it's not exactly good news.

so now i'm trying to negotiate with the seller via the estate agent to pay for a report from the structural engineer because i don't want to fork out the cash for it and i'm thinking this must have been something the developer would have taken into consideration. then again, maybe not.

anyway. i can't get my mortgage until this report comes back and any concerns are dealt with accordingly. at this point, it looks like giving up and continuing to rent for the rest of my life just might be the best option.

i'll keep you posted.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Don't get disheartened, better to find out now that the house is a lemon rather than after you've bought it, moved in and decorated.

Houses are like fish and girls, there are plenty of them in the sea. Wait, that's not right...maybe they are like buses?