
ebay addict & storm lover seeks house

i finally made my first ever ebay purchase. after a succession of portable audio players kicking in the bucket over the past 6 months, i've now purchased a slightly archaic discman that does play mp3s. my own died long ago, but still played when it was sitting level on a table. dipak's ipod did funny ipod things and sam's discman gave up the ghost after a drop in the barcelona hostel and a trip down to london.

we've have a few wonderful thunderstorms here over the past 24 hours making me very happy as that is one of the things i really miss about canadian summers. i think i'll treat myself to a seinfeld marathon and some arts and crafts this afternoon.

i'm continue to educate myself about house purchasing in the uk. one thing to understand is that there is a property television show on during every moment of the day, but last night was how to get yourself on the property ladder. it just kind of freaked me out a little bit because...my god...i might be buying a dwelling in the next few months.

right. off to drink some tea.

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