
sunny weekend

i think the roller coaster finally slowed down a bit. the awards event i organised on thursday night was a great success, i got my yoga dvd - finally - in the post from the u.s., i was offered a job back at the museum as a learning officer for one of the art galleries, and everyone on this side of the pond seemed to be in good health.

the beginning of the week was a bit stressful. getting ready for the event was just busy and working with staff who've never *seen* the behind the scenes of an event. dipak totalled his car on a lamp post, but thankfully is just fine. lucky boy.

but the weekend has turned out really nice. i went out for a few drinks on friday night, walked to lark lane on saturday afternoon for lunch with sam and dipak, and stopped off for some frisbee in wavertree park with sofian on the way back home.

last night was my first night *out* in liverpool in a long time so i think today will be a quiet one. not because i'm hungover today at all, but because my drinking counterparts just aren't as hardcore as i am ;)

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