

i realised last week that i hadn't actually *announced* that i wasn't coming home this christmas. its for a few reasons - lack of vacation days, funds and the general thinking that it's just too soon and i'll get hopelessly homesick - but don't fret as i'm already planning a trip for the summer!

...and i'm brining friends.

sam, kelly and i are looking to come from june 16th till june 29th with the anticipated itinerary below:

June 16 - June 20 in Toronto (arrive June 16 @ 12:25...I'll be renting a car for both weeks)
June 20 - June 24 in Montreal/Quebec
June 24 - June 25 at Linda and Roberts for St. Jean Baptiste
June 25 - June 29 at the cottage (Fly out June 29 @ 19:55...return the car to the airport)

of course i'm hoping to see as many peeps as possible, but it may be a matter of "this is where i'm going to be, hope to see you there." i'm totally looking forward to showing of the homeland to my two favorite brits (who happen to be identical twins so you'll all think that brits look completely the same). they are both really excited and are anticipating loads of cheap stuff. you only realise how cheap canada is until you live in the u.k.

other than that, things have been pretty quiet this week. lovin you all.

1 comment:

j9 said...