
working girl

sorry it's been so long folks, but i've been trying to earn a living.

work is good so far, a bit hard to get into i suppose, but it will all come in time. i cannot access hotmail at work, but they don't seem to have firewalled blogs yet. my coworkers all seem quite nice, but i have to admit its going to take me a while to get used to the open plan concept of the office.

no closed door policies here. and, by the way, this place kicks concordia's butt in terms of functionality. policies and procedures...yes please!

i'm still going to be hosting thanksgiving dinner on sunday and it turns out that now approximately 12 people are going to be attending. the story of how i got my turkey is one that must be shared...

so this past weekend a few of sam's mates from coventry came up to visit. one of the guys took a shine to me and when he found out i was having a thanksgiving dinner and couldn't find a turkey offered to find me one. so somehow he has hunted down a gobbler and is having an 8 kg, free range, organic turkey prestuffed with plum and ginger sent to sam's office on friday.

its totally hilarious. and as my dad put it...i don't have a sugar daddy, i have a turkey daddy.


j9 said...

8 kg!!! woweee. i'm so jealous. You are mine own lovely Nigella.

Turkey Daddy. hee. Your papa is funny. I need a steak daddy!

love you loads sugar! xxx

Anonymous said...

Good to hear from the working girl. Enjoy the turkey - sounds delicious. Sorry I couldn't be there.... Boo hoo.
See you on the 21st hopefully for Sof's birthday?????!!!!
Love Val

Anonymous said...

Hi Lauren
Congratulations on your job. Sounds impressive. Have a great Thanksgiving. What's NML? By the way, this is my last year of teaching and arts camp. It's turning out to be very interesting watching myself react to it.

lauren said...

val - yes, you'll see me on the 21st. i was supposed to be in birmingham, but i have a friend from canada here that weekend so...

frank - i wish i could be there to see you off. knowing how much arts camp meant to me as a camper, i can only imagine how much it is valued by its creator.

much love,