
le post premiere

i know its been a long time coming, but i've been trying to respond to all the e-mails i've been receiving before starting up the blog. and now that the e-mails have slowed down a little i can take the time to "post" instead.

everything still feels really wonderful and vacation like - what the expert ex-pats like to call the honeymoon period. i had my first major fight with liverpool on monday as i tried in vain to get a mobile phone. i HATE bad customer service and was blasted by it all day long. no mobile contract, no laptop cords (sorry darryl, but you got me the EU one, not the UK one!), no AC adapters for my CD player, no nothing. and of i course i thought it was all because of my canadanian passpost.

but thank god for small pleasures like having my own room, putting my art cards up on the wall, finding my bargain batteries purchased before leaving home, and for sam who has given me her old mobile in hopes that i can sign up for a pay as you go.

i successfully completed 3 job applications yesterday, which is quite the accomplishment. so fingers crossed and i might be working before septemeber roles around. august is "holiday making" time in the uk so i might have to wait a little longer for response than any other time of year.

but that's okay...as of today my money will officially be in the bank.


Anonymous said...

Congrats for the Blog!!
...and everything else of course.

THere is about 20 days left in August, so you should be able to do another 60 job applications or so.

I will be posting pictures of Dougie soon. I will send a link.

By the way, use a pale color for the background of the blog: black is tough on my (morning) eyes!

Anonymous said...

poodle! So glad to hear you're well and truly settled. So many things to see and do.

I can't believe those holidaying Liverpudlians aren't nicer to you and your mobile requirements. Give'em 2 fingers from me.
